AWS DevOps

Matrix Ascentech AWS DevOps is a set of practices, tools, and a cultural philosophy that automate and integrate the processes between software development and IT teams. It emphasizes team empowerment, cross-team communication and collaboration, and technology automation. The AWS DevOps movement began around 2015 when the software development and IT operations communities raised concerns about the traditional software development model, where developers who wrote code worked apart from operations who deployed and supported the code. The term AWS DevOps, a combination of the words development and operations, reflects the process of integrating these disciplines into one, continuous process.

Assessment and Planning

We create a DevOps Assessment roadmap by visualizing the desired state and identifying the traceable KPIs.

Pilot Framework Creation

We leverage and integrate your existing tools with our robust ecosystem of open source and licensed software.

Process Implementation

We proceed with the analysis, design, building, automation, and implementation in the specified areas.

Quality and reliability
Practices like continuous integration and continuous delivery ensure changes are functional and safe, which improves the quality of a software product.

Improved collaboration
The foundation of DevOps is a culture of collaboration between developers and operations teams, who share responsibilities and combine work.

Rapid deployment
By increasing the frequency and velocity of releases, DevOps teams improve products rapidly. A competitive advantage can be gained by quickly releasing new features and repairing bugs.